01. "How Long?" (I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes) | Adolphus Hailstork
02. "The Lord is My Shepherd, Alleluia" (I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes) | Adolphus Hailstork
The Unsung
The Unsung
03. Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
04. Light of A Clear Blue Morning, Monét X Change - #DragIsntDangerous Campaign
The Unsung
Monét X Change ft. The Unsung & The Unsung Bridge Program Singers
05. Dawson's Negro Folk Symphony Clips
The Unsung Collective with members of the New York Philharmonic
Explore Audio Recordings of excerpts from Frank Ferko's Stabat Mater and Andrew Carter's arrangement of "Steal Away."
Press Photos of Tyrone Clinton Jr. and program posters from past performances of The Unsung for The American Cancer Society and Strange Fruit.